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Latest activity by NN635124459955142762UL
  • NN635124459955142762UL commented,

    I can't be absolutely sure but I think probably a month or two back. There was a dialog, so I know it reached someone.

  • NN635124459955142762UL commented,

    I"m experiencing this problem too. I've also reported it. In my view it's an extremely serious problem; a photographic workflow that cannot include a solid to and fro to Photoshop is not a realisti...

  • NN635124459955142762UL created a post,

    Blog Posts; Organising, tracking and applescripting exports

    Following on from my last blog post on the subject of organising and tracking CO Exports ( ) I've just posted a second one on the subject of using Applescript scripts in the Export Recipe tab's Op...

  • NN635124459955142762UL commented,

    Nothing that I can think of. Match All/Any is a global setting, it needs to be local. Hierarchical, in fact:Keywords Contain Aor { Keywords Contain B and { Keywords Contain C ...

  • NN635124459955142762UL commented,

    Yes, I already have that set to "Image Folder". It still demands that a folder be selected in Output Location->Store Files

  • NN635124459955142762UL commented,

    No, I'm not working with a catalog.

  • NN635124459955142762UL created a post,

    Output to source folder

    I'm trying to get set up so when I output files they automatically go back to the folder the original came from. I had this set up in 7 but I'm hanged if I can find a way to make it work in 8. I ha...

  • NN635124459955142762UL commented,

    I'd like to add my five pennorth to this thread. Sessions and catalogs are great if you're shooting sessions only but if you're shooting a number of things over a number of days and can't get to of...