Al B

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  • Al B commented,

    Didn’t know this feature existed and as I have been an avid user for many years. In Lightroom they have a visible x/y option that I have used quite a bit as part of my workflow.

  • Al B created a post,

    Comparison Geature

    Comparison Request - please add an X/Y comparison of two images that a user can select two images on the screen at the same time they can compare at once. Would be nice if you also could do a zoom ...

  • Al B created a post,

    GRIIIx Support

    A long time subscriber to Capture 1 Disappointing know camera support for DNG …gr3x

  • Al B created a post,

    Browser moved to right?

    How do you move the browser in Capture 21 to right.  I can move it below or left not right?

  • Al B commented,

    Thanks Lily, I have succeeded in getting it to work. LR converted the files from the camera on import to .dng files thereby preventing the imported files from showing the film simulations.  When I ...

  • Al B commented,

    Im using:  Capture One 20 Fujifilm Build (1e362c1)

  • Al B commented,

    Capture Oe 20 the listed engine in my software.  Fuji licenced version... MacOS Mojave v 10.14.6

  • Al B commented,

    Again, Lily thanks for your input.  Can you open a reported ticket on the “Fuj...only” licensing to report this issue?  So they identify and resolve this issue. I’m on the Mac version and my comput...

  • Al B commented,

    Please note my above comments have been tested on the latest camera firmware installed yesterday and the card was freshly reformatted.  The images importorted were then tested on capture one,s base...

  • Al B commented,

    Update 16Oct:  Just tried again after updating yesterday the cameras latest firmware and there still are no changes.  The drop down box shows the fujifilm simulations.  I can scroll through the lis...