When using Live View, the Camera Focus tool can be used not only to control autofocus (AF) independently of the shutter release but also to override the point of focus using manually controlled powered-focus buttons.
The Camera Focus tool located in the Live View workspace is essentially the same tool found in the main application's Capture tool tab. However, when the camera is operating in live view mode, there is support from a wider range of camera models. Note that the camera must be a supported model and the lens must be an AF type and feature a native mount.
The Phase One XF camera (with Firmware Update #3 or later installed) and IQ digital back complete with a Phase One FP or Schneider Kreuznach LS AF lens supports all of the tool's features like a wide range of semi-pro and pro-oriented Canon and Nikon models do. Note that Canon cameras do not support the AF indicator. A number of Sony camera models are also compatible. However, the Sony models support only the autofocus option and AF confirmation indicator but are not compatible with the powered-focus control function.
There are six powered-focus buttons arranged in two groups: Near and Far. Pressing and holding one of the buttons continues to drive the focus motor of an AF lens until the button is released. The focus remains locked until pressing either the tool’s AF button or another of the powered-focus buttons.
The outer buttons (triple-arrow icons) adjust the lens in large steps and can be used instead of the AF button to achieve an approximate distance setting. The mid-buttons (double-arrow icons) offer fine adjustment, while the inner buttons (single-arrow icons) allow ultra-fine adjustment. This allows a very high degree of control over focus when using live view and is particularly useful when the subject is located off-center, for example.
- In the main menu, select Window -> Live View or click on the Live View (movie camera) icon in the Camera tool located in the Capture tool tab to open the Live View window. When a supported camera is attached and ready for tethered capture, the Camera Focus tool’s AF and powered-focus buttons will be enabled (colored white). When one or the other is grayed out, then that feature is unsupported. If both are grayed out and the features are supported, check the connection.
- Select the camera’s AF mode and active AF point and check the lens is set to AF.
- Focus approximately on the subject by pressing on the AF button in the Camera Focus tool. Alternatively, press and hold one of the outer powered-focus buttons (triple-arrow icons) to focus roughly on the subject. The buttons will drive the lens until you release it. The image in the Live View window is updated during focusing. An AF indicator light above the button duplicates the function of the camera’s built-in AF indicator. Canon cameras do not support the AF indicator.
- To fine-tune focus, press and hold on the appropriate mid- or inner- focus-control buttons, while observing the image for focus in Capture One’s Live View Window.
- Release the button when the focus has been achieved. The setting will be locked.
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