It does not matter whether the variant is based on a RAW source file or JPEG. When you select an image in the viewer, Capture One will initially display the white balance you chose on your camera at the time of capture. The White Balance tool displays this choice as Shot in the Mode field.
If the variant is based on a RAW source file, then the Mode drop-down menu will contain presets to match to the light source which you can choose from to alter the white-balance retrospectively. Besides the typical presets there may be some more advanced options available depending on the camera model. For example, some cameras have extensive presets for fluorescent light sources whereas others allow you to register manually and set white balance data for specific light sources. If these options are available, the White Balance tool will display them in the Mode drop-down menu.
With a JPEG-based variant, there are no presets available as the White Balance is chosen at the time and processed with the setting applied when writing to the camera’s memory card. You can, however, use the White Balance picker and Kelvin and Tint sliders to make adjustments, though within a much narrower range.
- Select an image in the Browser and go to the Color tool tab.
- In the White Balance tool, click on the Mode text field to reveal the drop-down menu.
- Select the preset from the list that is the most relevant to the lighting in the image. You can continue to apply the presets until a suitable result is found. New selections override the previous settings.
- If further adjustment is required, consider adjusting the Kelvin (Color Temperature) slider first based on your recollection of the scene. Then adjust the Tint slider if there is a slight green or magenta cast. Consider using the White Balance picker instead as it is the fastest way for making a successful white balance edit.
<< Setting a custom white balance using a gray card or chart | Adjusting Kelvin and Tint sliders >>