Manual correction using the sliders is nearly always necessary after adjusting by mode or after selecting a neutral point, especially when dealing with colored reflections where the ambient light has been absorbed (e.g., underwater) and when encountering mixed lighting. It is not usually possible to neutralize the whole image in these situations without using selective editing, however, that may not be desirable. Using the Tint slider can help reduce color casts to the point where the image is reminiscent of the original scene.
- Make a white balance adjustment using the pick, mode or Auto options.
- The Kevin and Tint slider are colored, which makes it easier to visualize the direction of the white balance change. Fine-tune the white balance using the two sliders:
- Kelvin. This changes the color temperature of an image within the range of 800 to 14000 degrees Kelvin. Move the slider to the right to achieve a warmer (yellow) hue and to the left for a cooler (blue) appearance. The scale on the slider represents the actual Kelvin value which is subject to slight variations from camera to camera.
- Tint. The adjacent text field also displays the setting selected by the camera. Moving the slider to the right can remove green casts common in fluorescent strip/tube-type lighting. Moving the slider to the left removes magenta casts.
- Kelvin. This changes the color temperature of an image within the range of 800 to 14000 degrees Kelvin. Move the slider to the right to achieve a warmer (yellow) hue and to the left for a cooler (blue) appearance. The scale on the slider represents the actual Kelvin value which is subject to slight variations from camera to camera.
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