Capture One Pro can display RGB and Lab color values as well as CMYK ink percentages. In all cases, the values shown are dependent on the color space profile set in the chosen Process Recipe or selected from the Proof Profile option from the View menu.
Capture One always displays the color values of the pixels under the cursor tool in the Viewer’s toolbar regardless of the selected cursor. The area of the cursor’s sample size remains the same between cursors and corresponds to that used by the Color Correction Picker (eyedropper) in the Color Editor tool. However, greater accuracy can be attained with the cursor readouts when the magnification of the Viewer is increased.
In addition to the continuously updating cursor readouts, Capture One Pro can permanently display fixed sample points or anchored readouts at up to 20 different locations in an image. Anchored readouts are always processed at 100% magnification and are typically more accurate than the cursor readouts (even when they are used at that zoom level).
Although Capture One adopts a color space with a large gamut internally, RGB values, when shown, are converted to 8-bit for each channel, with 256 values from 0 (black) to 255 (white). If a CMYK profile is selected using either the process recipe or when using the Proof Profile option, Capture One will convert the values to the appropriate CMYK ink percentages.
When using RGB or Lab color values to assess a reference reflectance target (i.e., a color chart), please refer to the color chart documentation for the color space used to define the color values. Standard working color spaces such as sRGB, Adobe RGB, and 16-bit ProPhoto RGB or eciRGB (2008) are often specified as the values for the CIELAB, or Lab, reference color space.
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