Before measuring RGB values, it is important to verify the working space. In Capture One, this is the output color space in-effect, which is determined by the selected Process Recipe by default. However, you can override that using the Proof Profile option available from the View menu. This allows you to measure values in one color space and output a file in another color space. For example, you can proof in ProPhotoRGB and output a file in sRGB or CMYK using the appropriate ICC profile set in the selected recipe. Note that color editing should always be performed in an RGB color space (RGB mode) before processing a file to CMYK.
- Select an image in the browser.
- Go to the main menu, select View -> Proof Profile -> RGB Output/CMYK Output -> [profile name]. When enabled, a checkmark will be displayed next to the profile.
- The image in the browser will now be soft-proofed to the Viewer in the chosen color space. When processing the image, the color space profile set in the selected process recipe will be used instead. You can verify the selected recipe is being used to determine the output file's color space during processing - select View -> Proof Profile -> Output Recipe Profiles -> Selected Recipe.
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