When normalizing skin tones, it is essential to select the most appropriate area or a region for a successful result. For corrections, avoid areas with dominant color such as blusher or eye-shadow and select the forehead, neck or forearm, for example. It is helpful to open the reference and destination image side by side using the Set as Compare Variant option available from the Edit menu.
- Go to the Normalize tool in the Color tool tab.
- Open the reference image and the destination image side by side.
- Enable both Exposure and White Balance by adding a check-mark to the corresponding box.
- Click on the Pick Normalize Color eyedropper in the tool or from the cursor tools or use the shortcut N. In the reference image, select an area of your model’s skin that you want to match (e.g., a particular area from the model’s neck).
- Click-on the Apply Normalization eyedropper or toggle between the pickers using the shortcut Alt+N. In the destination image, click on the same area and a similar tone of the model’s skin that you want to apply the normalization correction to (e.g., a particular area from the model’s neck). You will not be asked to name the target value or “pick” as in previous versions of Capture One.
- The image will be updated in the Viewer with the correction applied.
- You can use this adjustment to copy and apply to other images in the same Session or Catalog, as well as between other open Sessions or Catalogs.
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