The Next Capture Metadata tool overview
The Next Capture Metadata tool allows you to enter the relevant metadata that should be associated with the next captured image(s), ensuring that product shots will be categorized correctly from the start.
This approach is basically front-loading the metadata workflow in anticipation of the next shot. It solves the issue of having to capture the image(s) before being able to apply any metadata, which could be error-prone to entering the wrong metadata to the wrong image(s) at a later time.
Front-loading the metadata workflow also allows you to use the entered metadata as a part of the file naming during capture with the Next Capture Naming tool. This workflow is accomplished by inserting the desired Metadata Tokens in the Next Capture Naming tool, for example, Description or Category and opens up a powerful way to name the files accurately already during the capture stage.
The Next Capture Metadata tool is available in Capture One Studio. All the Studio features are also available in Capture One Enterprise.
Using the Next Capture Metadata tool
The Next Capture Metadata tool will let you enter the relevant color tag, rating, and metadata that should be associated with the next captured image(s). The tool supports exactly the same IPTC fields as in the Metadata tool. Once you have entered the desired metadata in the Next Capture Metadata tool and captured the image(s), the chosen metadata will be applied to the image file and will show up in the Metadata tool.
1. Go to the Next Capture Metadata tool in the Capture tool tab.
2. Select the Color tag and set the Rating that should be applied to the next captured image(s).
3. Add the metadata that should be associated with the next captured image(s) by clicking on the field and enter the text. You can enter metadata in all of the Capture One supported IPTC fields:
• IPTC – Contact
• IPTC - Content
• IPTC - Image
• IPTC - Status
• IPTC - Getty Images
4. Ensure that the metadata is entered correctly in the Next Capture Metadata tool and capture the image(s). The metadata will be applied to the image file during capture.
5. If you want to verify that the metadata has been applied correctly, select the image and check it in the Metadata tool.
Capture One has a text completion function for all metadata (text) fields where the software remembers text that you have entered before for each field. Previously entered text will appear in a popup list when you are editing a field text. Press the Return key to select the text.
NOTE: If the camera automatically applies some metadata during capture, you can either chose to keep that or overwrite it. If you leave the metadata field in question empty, the camera’s value will be used. If you, on the other hand, enter some text, it will overwrite the camera’s value.
Copying metadata from another image
You can automatically copy all the metadata from another image with the Copy values from Primary feature. This is a great way to reuse some or all the metadata already entered. Once the metadata is copied to the Next Capture Metadata tool, you can add, edit or remove any metadata.
1. Select the image that you want to copy the metadata from. If necessary, use the Metadata tool to verify that the metadata is correct.
2. Go to the Next Capture Metadata tool and click on the Copy values from Primary button.
3. The metadata from the selected image will now be copied to the metadata fields in the Next Capture Metadata tool.
4. Ensure that all the copied metadata is correct and capture the image(s). The metadata will be applied to the image file during capture.
You can add a keyboard shortcut to trigger the Copy values from Primary functionality by selecting Edit -> Edit Keyboard Shortcuts. There is no shortcut assigned by default. Please read here about how to assign keyboard shortcuts.
Editing applied metadata
If you need to edit the metadata that has been applied to the captured image, select the image and edit the required text fields in the Metadata tool. It is important to point out that the Next Capture Metadata tool only controls what will be added to the next captured image, it cannot be used to edit the metadata on a selected image.
If you want to clear all the metadata fields at once, click on the Reset icon at the top of the Next Capture Metadata tool. If you only want to clear a few, then select the text in the fields and hit Delete.
Using Presets
Presets are a great way to save and reuse commonly used metadata, potentially saving a lot of time. The Presets used with the Next Capture Metadata tool are shared with the Metadata tool and work the same way.
1. Go to the Next Capture Metadata tool and enter the required metadata into one or more of the metadata fields.
2. Click on the small preset icon and select Save User Preset. The Save Preset window will open. Checkmark the metadata fields that you want to be a part of the Preset and uncheck those that you do not want to be affected by the Preset.
3. Click on the Save button. The Save dialog will open. Name and save the Preset.
4. You have now created a Metadata Preset that can be selected from Preset menu in the Next Capture Metadata tool.