I have issues tethering my camera on macOS. How can I clear the camera driver cache?
- macOS Catalina 10.15 or later
The camera driver cache is located in a hidden location at
~/Library/Application Support/Capture One/CaptureCore
You can access this hidden folder from the Finder's Go menu > Go To Folder (or simply hit command+shift+G in Finder) and paste the path from above:
You can clear that folder, and the next time Capture One launches and connects to the camera, it will load the appropriate driver into the cache.
- macOS Mojave 10.14 or earlier
The camera driver cache is located in /Users/Shared/Capture One/CaptureCore. You can clear that folder, and the next time Capture One launches and connects to the camera, it will load the appropriate driver into the cache.
You can also quickly navigate to this folder via Finder's Go menu > Go To Folder (command+shift+G):
/Users/Shared/Capture One/CaptureCore