someone should go back over the user guide; I was searching for an understanding of the difference between Catalog, Session, Collections... but only found that you were using those terms before you had ever defined them. Very Confusing. Please go back through the user guide and make sure that terms are defined before you use them in explanations.
someone should go back over the user guide; I was searching for an understanding of the difference between Catalog, Session, Collections... but only found that you were using those terms before you had ever defined them. Very Confusing. Please go back through the user guide and make sure that terms are defined before you use them in explanations.
David Craven
your use of embedded video links as reference/education is terrific
David Craven
De donde puedo bajar el manual completo en pdf en ESPAÑOL del Capture ONE 22?
Gdzie znajdę instrukcję użytkownika dla wersji Capture One Pro 23?
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