Hiya: I've just downloaded V21 and upgraded all my catalogues. Capture One 21 has been backed up. May I now delete Capture One 20 without any catastrophes with V21? Thanks bunches! Pam.
If you delete Capture One 20 software itself, it will not affect the existing Catalogs and Sessions.
However, it is better to backup the Catalogs in the previous versions of Capture One so you can later restore those in older versions if you decide to use them again. Also, making backups in the current version of Capture One on a regular basis is also recommended. The frequency of making these backups is up to you.
Hi there,
To download the Capture One 21 User Guide, just click on the first line of this article and the download will start automatically.
I have a scenario where I'm wanting to use my laptop as my main monitor with viewer, tools, etc, and then want to have a secondary monitor for clients that just has a viewer so I'm not having to mirror my main monitor. Is there a way to do this? I can't seem to figure it out if there is.
Thanks, Lily, I'm all over it. Great advice and I'm very grateful. Pam.
You can perform this action with Capture Pilot where clients would be able to see the images from your Viewer either on their mobile device or on another computer within the same local network.
Please, refer to this article for more information on how to fine-tune the connection between Capture One and iOS device
Hiya: I've just downloaded V21 and upgraded all my catalogues. Capture One 21 has been backed up. May I now delete Capture One 20 without any catastrophes with V21? Thanks bunches! Pam.
No response... I guess this is a useless resource.
how do I download one one 21 users guide
Hi Pamela,
If you delete Capture One 20 software itself, it will not affect the existing Catalogs and Sessions.
However, it is better to backup the Catalogs in the previous versions of Capture One so you can later restore those in older versions if you decide to use them again. Also, making backups in the current version of Capture One on a regular basis is also recommended. The frequency of making these backups is up to you.
Hi there,
To download the Capture One 21 User Guide, just click on the first line of this article and the download will start automatically.
I have a scenario where I'm wanting to use my laptop as my main monitor with viewer, tools, etc, and then want to have a secondary monitor for clients that just has a viewer so I'm not having to mirror my main monitor. Is there a way to do this? I can't seem to figure it out if there is.
Thanks, Lily, I'm all over it. Great advice and I'm very grateful. Pam.
You can perform this action with Capture Pilot where clients would be able to see the images from your Viewer either on their mobile device or on another computer within the same local network.
Please, refer to this article for more information on how to fine-tune the connection between Capture One and iOS device
and this article on how to enable the web function to share the images between different computers over the same network
why have a c-21 user guide if users cannot access it kuprionrobert@gmail.com
Hola, tengo un problema…
Al reimportar carpetas con imágenes para reordenarlas de temáticas a
cronológicas , en formato RAW funciona correctamente y en JPG no.
Los archivos XPM una vez importados desaparecen o aparece alguno incompleto.
En preferencias > Imagen Metadatos se han probado todas las combinaciones
posibles sin obtener resultados.
La importación de carpetas con imágenes JPG directamente, sin convertir el
formato de la imagen de temático a cronológico, funciona correctamente .
Podeis ayudarme?
R Bartomeu
Archivos XMP
la mia mail e'. coccagnafranco1937@gmail.com
franco.coccagna@gmx.it. NON e' disattivata
I have 400 exports in the Export
folder and cannot seem to delete them. Can you advise?
Hi Ian,
Thank you for the comment.
I have forwarded your request to the Support Team. They will get back to you shortly.
Hello Lily,
Is it possible to take on Phone please? I have some problem which i can't explain them on a Email.
I would be very happy if i can call you!
Regard Ellyoun
Hi Lily,
is there one user guide in German?
Would it be possible to have the user guide in other languages (French, german, spanish etc) ?
The software is enough expensive to have the user guide translated in different languages.
Hello, is there one user guide in french?
por favor, ¿existe la guia en español?
¡existe algun libro de capture one 21 en español?
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