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Library Management


1 comment

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    The 1606 images "In Catalog" are stored inside the catalog structure instead of on the 6TB data drive. This is what happens if you choose "copy to catalog" when you import. If you want imported images not to go "In Catalog" you should choose Add to Catalog, not copy to catalog, and specify that you want them stored in the appropriate location on the 6TB drive.

    There is detailed guidance on importing images into a catalog here. 

    You can move images from "In Catalog" to the external drive if you want by just dragging and dropping them (within Capture One's Library tool).

    There could be a number of reasons why the 1606 in catalog + the 4751 on the 6TB drive does not account for the whole total of 6445. One possible reason is that some of them are stored somewhere else again, perhaps in a location on a different drive, internal or external. But if that is the case then other locations would be seen in the Folders (Dossiers) section of the Library tool. 

    If you delete an image, and Capture One puts it in the Catalog Trash, you can right click the trash and choose to empty it. For images in the trash that were stored "In Catalog" Capture One will give you a warning  checking that you want to delete, like this.

    There are just two choices, have it deleted from disk, or cancel.

    For images in the trash that are stored outside the catalog, you get three choices when you empty the trash

    • Completely delete from disk
    • Remove from the catalog, but don't delete from disk
    • Cancel.

    There is a lot of guidance on deleting images starting here 

    ... but also going on to subsequent pages.



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