One of the strengths of Capture One is its ability to use the ICC and ICM color management standards. Every device renders colors differently and it is up to the computer's color management system to interpret the color capability of every device in the imaging and printing chain to help insure that the color you see on your monitor and eventually in printed output is as close as possible to the original scene. When devices such as cameras, monitors, and printers subscribe to these open standards, then we have the possibility for automatic color matching without wasting time.
Defining an ICC or ICM monitor profile allows the color management system on your computer to make the calculations necessary to accurately display the images, print them, and correctly display other color-managed devices.
Basic monitor calibration can be set up within the macOS and Windows. Macintosh computers use a system-level utility, while Windows-based computers can use the Adobe Gamma Control Panel that ships with Adobe Photoshop or a utility provided together with your monitor. If you have Adobe Photoshop, then use the Adobe Gamma Control Panel. With Windows XP, the control panel is found at C: \Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Calibration\Adobe Gamma.cpl. If your monitor manufacturer provides its own calibration utility, check their documentation for the calibration instructions.
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