Many DSLR and smaller digital cameras can create JPEG files at very high quality. These files can generally be further adjusted and improved in Capture One. Indeed, Capture One supports the viewing and editing of JPEG (RGB) and TIFF (RGB) files. Capture One produces a preview and settings file, collectively called a variant, for each JPEG and TIFF file and works on those instead. However, JPEGs or TIFFs rendered in CMYK cannot be edited in Capture One.
JPEG and TIFF are files that have already been processed to a certain level, either by a camera’s internal software or in conversion software such as Capture One. When Capture One locates a file, the White Balance (WB) setting is determined by the camera that captured the image or by the conversion software that originally created the file. The White Balance setting can be adjusted but only to a limited extent. Note that a JPEG and TIFF file usually has a significantly smaller dynamic range compared to RAW capture. This might result in burned out or darkened areas when the auto White Balance is applied or if the White Balance Picker tool is used to set White Balance.