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User guide
Workflow Basics
Workflow Basics
Apple ProRAW – DNG tone curves
Culling images
The way Capture One works with RAW files
JPEG and TIFF file formats
HEIF/HEIC file format
The concept of variants in Capture One
Enhanced Image Package (EIP) overview
Pack and Unpack EIP files
Importing and exporting EIPs
Sharing EIP files
Colors in Capture One
Color spaces
Monitor calibration
Adjustments controls: Sliders
Adjustment controls: Undo/Redo commands
Adjusting multiple images at a time
Compare Variant (Pro, Studio)
Comparing images with the Before/After feature
Resetting adjustments
Adjustments Clipboard Tool
Copy and Apply adjustments and layers
Primary and selected variants
Selecting and deselecting the primary variant
Editing primary / all selected variants
Selecting images
Navigating image selections
Creating an Album from the selection of images