Compare Variant Overview
When you want to compare an image against other image variants, Compare Variant feature pins an image variant to the Viewer, showing other image variants that you select next to it.
The Compare Variant feature is useful when rating and color tagging a series of similar images, especially when making final selections. The Compare Variant option can be combined with visual aids such as the Loupe and Focus Mask.
Works with and supports: Keyboard Shortcuts (Set as Compare Variant, Add Compare Variant, Clear Compare Variant).
This article contains the following section:
Using Compare Variant
Right-click an image or go to the Image menu and select Set as Compare Variant. The Compare Variant will be pinned to the Viewer and highlighted with an orange frame. Other images that you select will show up in the Viewer next to the Compare Variant.
After setting a comparison variant, right-click an image or go to the Image menu and select Replace Compare Variant to replace the current Compare Variant.
Right-click the Compare Variant in the Viewer or go to the Image menu and select Clear Compare Variant to remove the Compare Variant from the Viewer.
Multiple Compare Variants (Studio)
In Capture One Studio, up to 11 Compare Variants can be shown in the Viewer at the same time.
After setting a comparison variant, right-click an image or go to the Image menu and select Add Compare Variant to create a new one alongside existing ones.
You can set or clear Compare Variants as described in the section above (Using Compare Variant).
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