Selecting images by variant position
You can select variants by their position in the variant group. You can use this to isolate images from batches of cloned variant groups for a specific task. When you have created multiple variant groups with identical adjustments applied to each of the variants in the group, you can use this option when, for example, you want to export all the variants at position three from within a collection. For more information on variant groups, see the section on Copying Images.
- Open all the variant groups that you want to be included in the selection.
- Select the relevant variant from an open group or stack.
- Go to the menu and choose Select -> Select By Same -> Variant Position.
- All those variants occupying the same position in the collection will be selected and displayed in the viewer (variants in closed groups will not be selected or displayed).
Selecting images by filename
Occasionally it can be difficult to find an image, even when using keywords or other metadata. However, when you know the filename, then Capture One can be used to search for a specific image. Capture One can also search for multiple images using a list of file names. If a client is monitoring a session or a request is made to locate an image after making a submission from a Catalog, this option greatly simplifies the search. List separators can be chosen for the most common options.
- When searching a catalog, in the Library tool tab, under the Catalog Collections section, select All Images (when searching a session in Session Albums, select All Images).
- In the main menu, choose Select -> Select By -> Filename List. A dialog box will open.
- Type in (or copy and paste) the relevant file names that you’re searching for in the text box.
- When searching a list, select the appropriate method to distinguish between file names from the Delimiter fly-out menu.
- Select Ignore file extension when you are searching for variants in multiple file formats (i.e., both RAW and JPEG).
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