As there could be a mixture of images and variants in the Catalog Trash, Capture One will identify the type available there and open the appropriate dialog or series of dialogs asking you to confirm your choice. It is recommended not to disable this warning option.
Deleting images from the Catalog Trash cannot be undone. Images are not placed in the system trash, so they cannot be retrieved later.
When emptying the Catalog Trash of variants that reference source images, you will be asked if you want to remove the variants from the Catalog or whether you want to delete the source images. Removing the variants from the Catalog (Remove from Catalog) will leave the source images in place wherever they are located for future use. Deleting (Delete from Disk) immediately deletes both the variants and source images. This cannot be undone.
If there are variants referencing source images that are currently offline (i.e., source images residing on an unconnected external disk or with a broken link on a local or external disk and indicated by a question mark (?)), only the variants will be removed from the Catalog. The source images will not be deleted.
When there are managed images in the Catalog Trash, Capture One treats the variants as the source images, therefore a dialog will open asking you to confirm their deletion. Note that these images cannot be offline as they are stored inside the Catalog itself.
Images inside the Catalog Trash are read-only and cannot be edited (thumbnails are indicated by a small crossed-over pencil icon, while all the sliders and tools are disabled). This is intended to prevent the editing of images or their variants without the user being aware. Without this feature, editing images or variants in the Catalog Trash may result in wasted time if those are inadvertently deleted later.
- Choose File -> Empty Catalog Trash. Focus (i.e., pre-selection) on the Trash Collection is not required. Note that you can delete individual images or variants from the Trash by selecting the Trash Collection and then choosing Image -> Delete (Variant)/Delete (From Disk) or press Cmd/Ctrl+backspace (Mac/Windows) or press X in the toolbar or cursor tool.
- Capture One identifies the type of images in the Trash and a dialog appears asking you to confirm the action for each type.
- To remove only the variant or variants from the Catalog (leaving the source image untouched in its current location) - click on the Remove from Catalog button.
- When you want to permanently delete the source images - click on Delete from Disk. Source image files are deleted immediately. This cannot be undone.
- If you realize you have made a mistake before deleting, press Cancel, select the image from the Browser, and drag the image and its variants back to any Catalog or User Collection.
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