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Tokens and their definitions



  • johan smith

    Document Name is actually the session or catalog name.

  • John Smith

    I'm printing this out and hanging it near my desk for visual reference. I'm finally taking the time to set up my presets to help my work progress faster. Thanks!

  • Jason Carter

    @johan smith

    In the coding of capture one, tho... capture one document in the code has historically = capture one session/cat. It's synonymous. But if you built integrations, you have to call out Capture Document to automate with sessions/cat. 


    How do I edit the Copyright token???

  • Blackpaw

    For what it's worth, X Digital Counter is NOT an option for Watermarks unless this is an update after Capture One 20 Pro. 

  • LiMA

    Dear Lily,

    thanks a lot for this feature. We would like to use the metadate token (e.g. "IPTC-description") for filling the watermark by text.

    If the metadate field stays empty for some of our captures, the token delivers the text "No name" to the watermark modul, is this by purpose?

    In our case the intended behaviour would be that for captures with empty metadate field the watermark text should also stay empty.

    Is this possible?

    Best, Christoph

    P.S.: Trying to enter a white space in the metadate field is ignored.


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