When left to the default settings, the LCC tool can remove color casts, correct illumination falloff, and map sensor dust.
- Following the capture of your image, hold the LCC plate as close as possible over the front of your lens.
- Increase your exposure 2-stops, using either the appropriate shutter speed or ISO. It is important not to alter the aperture used to capture the initial image.
- Capture an image with the LCC plate in place. Make sure to cover the lens completely.
- Open the LCC capture (known as the characterization image) in Capture One.
- Go to the LCC tool and click on Create LCC. The characterization image is corrected and becomes what is then known as the LCC reference image.
- Select that LCC reference image and the image you would like to apply it to. Then choose Adjustments -> Apply LCC. The image is updated with the corrections from the LCC reference image.
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