Practically every tool that can be used to make image adjustments has a range of Built-in Presets. You can use these as suggestions or use them as a starting point for further adjustment. Any customization of these Presets can be saved as a User Preset, saving you the effort of repeating the adjustments in the future. All Custom Presets created specifically with the tool will be displayed in the tool’s menu (and the Presets Library) and are applied in the same way as the Built-in Presets. You can usually preview the effect on an image in the viewer before applying a Preset.
- Select an image to work on in the Viewer and choose one of the following options:
- Select the relevant tool from the tool tab and click on the Manage Preset menu (i.e., three-bar icon) in the title bar at the top of a tool. A Manage and Apply menu will open and any Built-in or User Styles applicable to the selected tool will be displayed.
- Go to the Adjustments menu -> Styles -> Custom Presets.
- Alternatively, go to the Styles and Presets tool in the Adjustments tool tab and navigate to the Custom Presets/Built-in Presets folder as appropriate. If there are no presets displayed, you may have to click on the disclosure arrow.
- Select the relevant tool from the tool tab and click on the Manage Preset menu (i.e., three-bar icon) in the title bar at the top of a tool. A Manage and Apply menu will open and any Built-in or User Styles applicable to the selected tool will be displayed.
- To see the effect on the image in the Viewer, hover the cursor over the Preset in the list. In some cases, it may not be possible to observe the effect or application of the settings without referring to the tool itself.
- To apply the effect to the image, click on the Preset in the list. The image in the Viewer will be updated, if different from the previewed Preset. If you make a mistake, reselect the Preset from the list and click on it one more time. The image will be updated with the Preset removed.