The information contained in this article is applicable to Capture One 23 (16.1.3) and older. The Spot Removal tool has been replaced by Auto Dust Removal, which is driven by AI.
The operation is the same for removing spots and small blemishes as it is for removing sensor dust. However, for the best results, it is recommended to use the appropriate mode, depending on the issue encountered. Both types of spot removal can be employed in the same image. When checking images for sensor dust, it may help to darken the image first using a negative exposure adjustment.
- Control/right-click (macOS/Windows) inside the tools tab and add the Spot Removal tool.
- In the Type drop-down menu, select Dust or Spot as appropriate and click on the ring-shaped orange cursor adjacent to the Type field. Alternatively, select the circular orange-colored cursor from the Cursor toolbar or use the shortcut O.
- When the Dust option is selected, the current cursor changes to a four-piece ring-shaped cursor with a crosshair.
- When Spot is selected, the cursor can be identified by its unbroken circular cursor with a crosshair.
- Magnify the image in the Viewer to 100%.
- Before applying, adjust the size of the circular cursor to match the spot or dust particle: Ctrl/right-click (macOS/Windows) in the Viewer. The tool opens beneath the cursor.
- Adjust the Radius slider to fully cover the spot or dust particle and click on it to remove it. Alternatively, click on the spot or dust particle, then click-and-drag the edge of the selection ring to cover it. When active, the circular cursor changes from silver-gray to orange-colored and the spot or dust particle is removed.
- To re-position a selection, place the circular cursor in the center of the selection ring, click and drag it to change its position.
- Repeat Steps 2 to 6 to remove more individual spots or dust particles.