When a simple localized adjustment is required, you can brush in the effect directly. This technique is particularly useful, for example, when adding sharpening or clarity, or when you are making some simple exposure adjustments. More complex adjustments such as "dodging and burning" can also be performed this way. However, when applying positive and negative exposure adjustments, a layer for each is required.
Hold down Alt/Option to toggle between brush and eraser (Brush, Magic Brush, AI Select).
1. Select the brush from the following:
- Shortcut Draw Mask (B).
- Mask Cursor group in the Cursor toolbar. Press and hold active cursor to display the menu and select Draw Mask icon.
- In the foot bar in the Layers tool, click on the Draw Mask icon.
2. Modify the brush parameters as required.
3. To see the effect of the adjustment on-screen when brushing, press M to toggle mask display on/off OR toggle this option in the Viewer
4. Before brushing, select an adjustment tool and set the parameter slider to a particular value. For example, add a +0.6 EV exposure adjustment.
5. Brush in the local adjustment as required. The image is updated in the Viewer with the applied adjustment.
6. To remove any unwanted areas of the mask, select Erase Mask either from the Layers tool panel or from the Cursor toolbar from the menu. Modify the Brush Settings as necessary and carefully brush away parts of the mask to tidy up.
7. Use the Before/After tool to quickly see the changes that have been made. The Before/After tool is located in the right-side of the toolbar when using the Default Workspace and you can choose between Split or Full view.