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User guide
Layer Adjustments
Layer Adjustments
AI Masking
Magic Eraser
Overview of Layers and Masks
Selecting Layer types
Creating a new filled Layer
Deleting a Layer
Working with multiple Layers
Creating a mask
Deleting a mask
Copy a mask to another Layer
Opacity slider effect in the Layers tool
Displaying masked areas
Changing the color of the mask
Using selection points on Layers
Modifying the size of the Layers tool panel
Brushing in adjustments on layers
Removing adjustments on layers
Changing Size and Hardness parameters of the brush
Modifying the Opacity and Flow sliders in the brush settings
Enabling pen pressure support in brush settings
Enabling Auto Mask (edge detection) option in brush settings
Style Brushes
Magic Brush
The Linear Gradient Mask overview
Creating a Linear Gradient Mask
Editing the Linear Gradient Mask
The Radial Gradient Mask overview
Creating a Radial Gradient Mask
Editing the Radial Gradient Mask
Luma Range Overview