The mask created when making a selection is displayed as a semi-transparent red color. This default color can be changed from the Preferences.
- In the main menu, go to Capture One -> Preferences (macOS) or Edit -> Preferences (Windows). The Preferences dialog window opens.
- Select the Appearance tab, then click on the Mask Color box under the Layers section. Depending on the OS, a color dialog window opens.
- Select the color from the choices available. The chosen hue will be added to the Mask Color box.
- Close the Preferences window and the mask color will be enabled. There is no need to restart the application.
- If a mask has already been created, toggle the mask visibility option off and on again with the keyboard shortcut M. Alternatively, in the foot bar of the Layers panel, click on the Mask Visibility Setting icon, select Never Display Mask first and then Always Display Mask.
- To return to the default, re-open the Preferences window, go to the Appearance tab and click on the Defaults button at the bottom of the page. Note that any other changes on that page will also be returned to the default settings.
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