If you want to readjust or edit the Radial Gradient Mask, ensure that you have selected the correct layer in the Layers tool as well as the Draw Radial Gradient Mask (T). You can now adjust the size and feathering of the mask by clicking and dragging on the inner or outside line as well as changing the shape by clicking and dragging on the four control handles on the central line. Finally, you can reposition the entire mask by clicking and dragging anywhere inside the mask that is not covered by the three lines.
- Go to the Layers tool and select the layer with a Radial Gradient Mask.
- Select Draw Radial Gradient Mask from the footer of the Layers tool or use the keyboard shortcut T.
- You can adjust the size and feathering by clicking on the outside line or the inner line to adjust the size of the 100% adjustment area while keeping the overall size of the mask locked.
- Hold down Shift while dragging either the inner or outside line to lock the central line in place and adjust the overall feathering of the mask.
- Click on one of the four control handles on the central line and drag to change the shape of the mask. If you hold down Option/Alt while dragging, you will lock the position of the opposite control handle.
- Hold down Shift and click on either of the four control handles on the center line to adjust the size of the entire mask.
- You can rotate the mask by hovering the mouse over the central line (the cursor will change to a rotate icon) and dragging.
- It is possible to reposition the entire mask by hovering the mouse anywhere over the radial gradient mask that is not covered by the lines. The cursor will change to a move icon and you can drag the mask to a new position.
Useful keyboard shortcuts
- Click on a Layer and hold down Command/Ctrl to reposition the mask without the need to have the Draw Radial Gradient Mask selected.
- Hold down Shift while dragging either the inner or outside line to adjust the overall feathering of the mask.
- Hold down Shift and click on either of the four control handles on the central line to adjust the size of the entire mask.
- Hold down Option/Alt while dragging either of the four control handles on the center line to lock the position of the opposite control handle while changing the shape.
- Hold down Option/Alt + Shift while dragging either of the four control handles on the central line to lock the position of the opposite control handle while changing the size of the mask.
You can invert the Radial Gradient Mask, which basically flips the mask coverage. It keeps the non-destructive nature, meaning that you can readjust the inverted Radial Gradient Mask by moving it, changing the shape, feathering as well as rotating it.
- Select the layer with the Radial Gradient Mask in the Layers tool.
- Right-click and select Invert Mask or choose Layer -> Invert Mask.
- You can now readjust position, shape, feathering, and rotation.
You can easily decide whether the Radial Gradient Mask should be filled on the inside or the outside (inverted) by default - right-click while Radial Gradient Mask cursor is active, then remove the checkmark from the Draw Mask Inside option if you want to create the mask on the outside as the standard behavior.
If you want to edit the Radial Gradient Mask with the brush by either adding or removing areas of the mask, it will need to be rasterized first. This operation basically changes the mask to be pixel-based, meaning that you cannot readjust the gradient afterwards. The resulting mask will then be the same type as if you were using the Draw Mask feature from the start.
- Go to the Layers tool and select the layer with a Radial Gradient Mask.
- Select Draw Mask (keyboard shortcut B) or Erase Mask (keyboard shortcut E) from the drop-down menu.
- Click on the image in the Viewer to start editing the mask. Capture One will now alert you that you are about to rasterize the mask. Accept by clicking on Rasterize.
- You can now add or remove areas by painting with the brush, depending on whether you have chosen Draw Mask (B) or Erase Mask (E).
Note that you can also rasterize the Radial Gradient Mask directly by right-clicking on the layer in question in the Layers tool and selecting Rasterize Mask or choose Layer -> Rasterize Mask.