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Making image adjustments with an external editor



  • johan smith

    Can you have multiple Programs in the menus anymore? 

    I use both Affinity Photo and Topaz products and each time I do an Edit With -> Other it adds that program and removes the previous one. 

    So I only ever can have one in the menu at a time.

  • susan johnson

    I followed the above directions and it shows up in my Capture folder, but does not show up in my Capture One Browser? 

  • Lily

    Hi Susan,

    Thank you for your comment.

    Once you are going to the external editor, a new variant of the same image appears in the same folder as other variants of the selected image.

    Make sure that you are browsing the same folder where your round trip started from.

    Once you have completed the editing of an image in the external editor and in Capture One, you can select and export the preferred variant(s). In case you have several variants of the same image, you can select those you like and export/process them to a chosen location.

  • Jay Morgan

    After I make image adjustments in gimp and then select save the changes are not in image back in capture one ?

  • Jay Morgan

    I did same with PS and the changes did come back in image in capture one. However I don’t want to use PS any longer

  • Lily

    Hi Jay,

    Thank you for the comments.

    I have forwarded your request to the Support Team.

    They will get back to you soon.

    Also, it would be helpful if you provide more details such as Capture One version, operating system (i.e. macOS 10.15.5 or WIndows 10 build 1909), whether you work with Sessions or Catalogs, etc.

  • Permanently deleted user

    I have the exact same question as Jim above.  Before, when I right click on a photo and chose Edit With, I had Photoshop and Luminar as external editing choices.  Now, just one, whichever app I used last.  This is really slowing down my work flow to have to choose Other every time and find the app in my long list off apps in the MacOS Applications folder.  It would be great for things to go back to how they long used to be with multiple apps to choose from when right clicking and choosing Edit With.  Thanks!

  • FirstName LastName

    I'm having the same issue as Jay above. I tried to add chages in Gimp to a photo and they just disappear when exporting it back to Capture One. I saw the changes briefly in the thumbnail and also in the picture but the overall resolution of the image was very poor. When zooming in it indeed got sharper but the changes made in Gimp disappeared simultaneously. 

    I'm currently using Capture One 20 (13.1.3) and Windows 10 build 2004. I'm working with Sessions. 

    Has there been any fix to this?

  • Maryna Sopilniak

    Hi Teemu,

    Thank you for the comments.

    I have forwarded your request to the Support Team.

    They will get back to you soon.

  • Daina Vipulis

    Today I upgraded to Capture 21 Pro. When I choose "Edit With Photoshop 2021" the variant opens in Photoshop as a black image or gibberish. If I reboot and clear all cache in Windows, once in a while the variant file opens as it should in Photoshop. It might only work once in about 20 attempts. I have tried opening Edit With Browse and finding the PS exe file and it worked once the variant opened but only once after that it was the black rectangle once more.
    I have tried every option I can think of - I make sure it is the correct bit and have tried Pro RGB and many more options etc. I even changed the engine in preferences to Capture 12. Before the upgrade to 21 I did have a little trouble i.e. I had to do "Edit With Photoshop" twice and on the second try the file would open correctly in Photoshop. It never worked on the first try - but I could deal with that.
    I have Windows 10 64bit. build 19042.985 and PS CC2021. AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 3.80 GHz and 64.0 RAM. My video card is older NVIDIA GeForce GTX950. My workflow is to go from CP1 to PS for finishing the photo. I don't bother with "sessions" or any organization format - I simply pull a a photo folder into CP1 on my desktop and work on the files and then edit them in PS then save. I don't even need to have it imported back in CP1 as a variant and can simply save a TIFF file from PS.
    I love the new brushes in CP1 and would love to use them and the linear curve is the best...
    Can you help? Or do I need to go back to the previous version of CP1?

    P.S. Sometimes when using the brushes only half the screen is visible or not at all and I have to sort of guess where I am applying the edits. I even reduced the amt. of memory allocated to PS thinking memory could be the problem, but I can't imagine it would need that much. If it is the video card then i am out of luck since i refuse to buy one at todays prices. But can there be such a difference from the older CP1??

  • Maryna Sopilniak

    Hi Daina, 

    Thanks for sharing the issue you are facing. 

    I have forwarded your request to the Support Team.

    They will get back to you soon.

  • Permanently deleted user


    I have the same pb that Susan Johnson (1 year ago !) in the top of the list of comments.

    Is there additionals settings to do to make it works ?

    For that reason, I am still using Lightroom.

  • FirstName LastName

    the icc profile ProPhoto is no more present by default.  Should I choose eciRGV v2 instead ?

  • Maryna Sopilniak

    Thank you for the comment.

    I have forwarded your request to the Support Team. They will get back to you soon.

  • Phillip Breske

    When C1 '22 creates a file for a round-trip to any external program, it does NOT append the filename in any way. Basically, it creates another file with the exact same name in the computer's directory, changing only the extension. Unfortunately, the XMP sidecar files for each image do not recognize these two files as separate and distinct, so whenever C1 updates the XMP for the RAW file, those changes are also read as changes to the TIFF file's data. Chaos ensues.

    I checked an older folder of C1 images and previous versions used to append a number to the end of the filename when the app created a new image for round-tripping to an external app. WHY WAS THIS BEHAVIOR CHANGED????? Someone HAD TO KNOW this would be a problem!

    Please add back the function that appends a sequential number to the end of a newly created version for round-tripping to an external editing application.

  • GM

    How do you open more than one variant at a time to retouch in Photoshop?  No matter what I've tried, I can't seem to get it to work.  Thanks. 

  • Sarah Jessup

    My C122 files are not coming back to C1 after Photoshop editing. They're in the correct folder in Finder, but not in my C1 browser.

    How can I change this?

  • Daniel Wimble

    No shortcut button for edit with?

  • FirstName LastName

    "edit with" never works in capture one. Half the time I try to use it, nothing happens, or itll create a TIFF File and not open any other program. If I hit Edit with photoshop, nothing happens. This has been an issue for years and must be solved or I am canceling my license with Capture One. These type of things should work. 


    When using Capture One on my PC the edit with button does not work.  Nothing happens at all except for capture One creating a TIFF file. Please fix.


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