When you need to make highly-specific image modifications, such as advanced retouching, stitching or stacking, you can select an external editor or a standalone plug-in for Capture One to use. The external editor must be selected first to allow Capture One to copy and convert RAW files and apply any adjustments that you have made, using the Edit With… command. Modified images are imported back into Capture One alongside the original image where additional adjustments can be made if necessary.
Similar to the Edit With… command, the Open With… option in Capture One allows you to open previously processed files (PSD, TIFF or JPEGs) with an external editor. You can also use it to open movie files in a relevant application. This is especially convenient if you have imported a mix of stills and movie clips from a video-enabled DSLR. The Open With… option can also be used to send RAW files to an external editor. However, this option is intended primarily to allow additional image modifications to previously processed files. Sending the original RAW source files to an external editor bypasses the file-copying and subsequent RAW conversion and processing in Capture One. Therefore, please ensure the external application fully supports the camera’s RAW files as attempted editing may result in file corruption.