The Open With command allows previously processed images (i.e., PSD, TIFF or JPEG files) to be opened in an external application. This is useful, for example, when you want to return to an application and make additional adjustments to previously exchanged files. If you select a RAW-based variant, the external application will attempt to directly open the image, which may not be capable of converting a RAW file. When you want to exchange RAW files and apply any adjustments in Capture One, select the Edit With command instead.
- Select the image from the Capture One browser to be opened in the external application.
- Choose Image -> Open With from the main menu (or right-click and select Open With from the browser) and choose the desired application.
- Choose the external application from the drop-down menu. If the appropriate app is not shown in the list of programs available on your Mac/Windows computer, select Other… and navigate to your chosen application and select Open.
- The image will open in the nominated application.
- Make the appropriate changes or edits. If the image is a previously processed file and the Save command is available, the image is updated with the adjustments in the Capture One browser, otherwise, a Save As dialog will open.
- Choose the location to save the image to. When using a Session you can select one of the Session Folders as the location to save the image to and the image will be displayed in the Browser. In a Catalog, the image will have to be re-imported or synchronized if you selected the same location as the source image.
<< Making image adjustments with an external editor | Overview of exporting images >>