Most of the time Capture One will not open due to the following:
Case 1
You are running an incompatible operating system, i.e. macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave) with Capture One 11.
The only options here are to upgrade to the latest version of Capture One or to downgrade your operating system.
See which OS versions are compatible with your version of Capture One here: Capture One system requirements and OS support
You can view your upgrade options by entering your license key here:
Case 2
The database you are trying to open is damaged or corrupt.
Open Capture One by holding down the Option (Mac) or Alt (Win) key, after initializing the application. This will prompt a window to appear on the screen, whereby you can choose to create a new database (Catalog or Session) or open a previously used, healthy database.
Case 3
The application is still running in the background.
- Windows: Use Ctrl + Alt + Delete to access the Task Manager and end any Capture One processes running in the background.
- Mac: Press Command + Option(Alt) + Esc and click on the corresponding application in the windows. Press Force Quit. Otherwise, right-click on the application's icon in the Dock and select Force Quit.
Case 4
OpenCL is failing to initialise and causing a crash.
See our help center articles on this issue here:
To disable OpenCL in Capture One in case of a crash on startup, follow the steps below:
- Windows: Run the script DONOT_useopencl.reg and restart Capture One (the download also contains a restore script to re-enable OpenCL useopencl.reg) - download here
- Mac: Download and run this application, disable OpenCL, and restart Capture One.
Case 5 (for Windows users only)
The C++ libraries should be updated.
Install redistributable C++ 2015-2019 package from Microsoft available here.
Case 6 (Mac users only)
Capture One is not granted Full Disc access. This sometimes prevents OpenCL kernels from being built.
To allow Capture One to have full access to the computer, go to System Preferences and click on the Security & Privacy icon.
Then select Privacy at the top and Full Disc Access in the left pane.
Unlock the pane via the padlock icon at the bottom left. You will be prompted for your macOS user password.
Find Capture One on the list and checkmark it to allow full access. If it is not on the list, click on the +(plus) icon and locate Capture One in the Applications folder.