Capture One can also soft-proof the selected recipe, thereby revealing any scaling, compression or sharpening artifacts on-screen prior to output. By adjusting the settings with the proof mode enabled, you can see the real-time effect on-screen of individual selections, such as the effect of down-sampling when resizing images for the Web.
- Select the image variant in the browser that you need to proof the settings for.
- Highlight the recipe (or create a new recipe) from the list in the Process Recipes dialog located under the Output tool tab.
- Go to the Process Recipe tool and select the processing settings, including the image size, profile, and output sharpening, where applicable, under the various tabs.
- Click on the Show Recipe Proofing (glasses) icon in the main toolbar or select View -> Recipe Proofing from the main menu.
- All the recipe settings applied to the image variant will be visible on the screen for evaluation.