When adopting one of Capture One Pro’s pre-configured process recipes, the settings may require some adjustment to suit your needs. When you modify a built-in recipe, the original is not permanently overwritten and can be reselected at any time.
The original built-in recipe can be restored from the Export Recipes panel's Action menu icon, choose Add Recipe -> [Recipe Name] or from the New Recipe button (+) icon in the foot bar.
Modifying a recipe is simple. Each field can be edited and the settings are saved for the next time. However, if it is a group of settings that you are likely to use again, it makes sense to create a new recipe specifically for the task.
To create a new recipe from one that has been modified is easy - you only have to duplicate it and give it a new name.
- Modify an existing recipe and click on the Action menu button, the (…) icon. The Action menu opens.
- Select Duplicate Recipe.
- Click on the new recipe's text field and give it a meaningful name.
- Click outside of the recipe's text field to save the settings.