The file that stores the current state of the application is called preferences in macOS and config in Windows. It contains everything from window sizes to the current Next Capture Naming format.
Resetting this file can help with troubleshooting by clearing the application cache and returning Capture One to a ‘vanilla’ state. Your documents, recipes, styles, and saved workspaces (be sure to save yours first!) will remain unchanged. However, the menus that use them will be reset to their default values.
Here’s a limited list of parameters that will be reset to their default values so you know what to expect: show the Activity window, enabled Auto Adjust tools, Before After enabled and it’s mode, Brush size, Adjustments Clipboard selected adjustments, Workspace, Toolbar, Keyboard Shortcuts set, Preview Size in pixels etc.
Reset the preferences file in macOS
The plist is a document that stores the application’s preferences list. Its name is ‘com.phaseone.captureone##’ for Capture One 12 and older, or ‘com.captureone.captureone##’ for Capture One 20 and newer. The ## stands for the application version number. The plist is located in ~/Library/Preferences/ To restore it to its original, default state, launch Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/ You’ll see an empty prompt:
Copy and paste the strings below depending on the version of Capture One you have. Then press Enter.
Capture One 23:
defaults delete com.captureone.captureone16
Capture One 20:
defaults delete com.captureone.captureone13
For Capture One 12 and older versions (use the number that corresponds to your Capture One version instead of '12'):
defaults delete com.phaseone.captureone12
There won't be a confirmation that it's completed, though if something goes wrong it will notify you.
Reset the config file in Windows
Capture One's config file is a document named 'user.config', which resides in a folder named after the Capture One version you are using:
To reset the preference file, open File Explorer and type '%localappdata%' in the search bar, then hit the Enter key.
Alternatively you can use Windows Run (Win + R):
For Capture One 22, 15.3.0 and newer versions, navigate to:
⇾ Capture_One ⇾ CaptureOne_StrongName_xxxx ⇾ 15.x.x
For Capture One 22 15.2.2 and older versions, navigate to:
⇾ Capture_One ⇾ CaptureOne.exe_StrongName_xxxx ⇾ 15.x.x
In both cases, "xxxx" is a long random word made of random characters and numbers.
"15.x.x" reflect the major version of the app. Capture One 23 will be 16.x.x.
Quit Capture One if not already done, then delete the 'user.config' file found within the version folder, and restart Capture One.
> It is named 'com.phaseone.captureone##', where ## is the application version number.
Just a note: A file named "com.phaseone.(...)" appears to exist on my Mac only as "com.phaseone.mediapro.plist", whereas it seems the according preference files for CaptureOne are stored in the user library folder, too – but named differently: "captureone" instead of "phaseone":
Hi Thomas,
This is also mentioned in the article.
If you run Capture One 20 and later versions, this will be .../com.captureone.captureone[number]/...
Running this command (on a Mac) removes/resets all the Batch Image Rename presets. Can you tell me where these are stored so that I can back them up first?
Hi Michael,
The preference file is stored in ~/Library/Preferences/.
Hi I'm trying to do this, but being on an M1 machine, the Terminal is asking for a bunch of things that may potentially mess up my login settings:
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit
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