I process images using the recipes or export them and everything looks successful, but the files aren't where I expect them. Where can I find them?
Exporting variants and originals from the menu
The location of exported images is determined in the File tab under the Recipe section. By default, the Export Location option is chosen in the Root Folder field. The Export Location is reflected in the Destination field under the Location tab.
You may always change the destination folder in the Root Folder field under the File tab in the Recipe section. Once your images are exported, you will be able to find them in the specified folder.
Processing variants with the recipes
The location of processed images is determined in the File tab of the Process Recipe tool. By default, the Output Location option is chosen in the Root Folder field. The Output Location is reflected in the Destination field under the Output Location tab.
If you want to save the processed images in another folder, click on the Root Folder field in the File tab of the Process Recipe tool. Choose the option Select Folder and navigate to the location where you want your processed images to be stored.