TIF/JPG/PSD/PNG files that are not in RGB color space cannot be adjusted or imported within Capture One.
As of Capture One 16.5.6, editing grayscale images is supported.
Layered Tiff: Capture One 9.1 onward can support Tiff files with alpha channel or layers saved in the file (from other apps like Adobe Photoshop) but for viewing purposes only. Reprocessing the image will result in a new flattened image.
PSD: Capture 10.1 onward can support PSD files in the viewer. The PSD can contain any adjustments, layers, text or smart objects but must be saved in Photoshop with “maximize compatibility” enabled. Reprocessing the image from Capture One will result in a new flattened image.
If you wish to convert your DNG file to PSD for further editing in Adobe Photoshop, please be aware of the following file limitations of the PSD format: it has a maximum height and width of 30,000 pixels, and a size limit of two gigabytes.
NOTE: There is no option to edit TIFF files in Capture One for Phase One. TIFF file editing is supported in Capture One Pro.