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New License Model: Changes to the way licensing, updates, and upgrades work



  • Bill

    I've used the software with a perpetual license for 5 years and believe it gets me the best results from my images due to the outstanding lessons from David and Paul.

    It is very sad that due to the poorly thought out plans and inability to admit they made a mistake and make changes, the actions of the fund resulted in so many talented people losing their jobs. This must be a very tough time for the employees.

    If only the fund owners had listened to the hundreds of complaints about the new licensing scheme and reworked it.  FAFO.

  • Chengzuo Zhen

    Oh, congratulations to Capture One for their recent layoffs! You guys really deserve a standing ovation for that move. I mean, who wouldn't want to lose their job, right? You've truly outdone yourselves and managed to make Adobe look like a shining beacon of stability. It's almost impressive how you've handled things.

    As for me, I've decided to graciously switch back to Lightroom. This switch is as personal as it gets, and I want to make it abundantly clear that there's no turning back. Even if Capture One miraculously changes its course, I'll be here, basking in the glory of Lightroom's warm embrace.

    I genuinely can't contain my excitement about witnessing how the management runs this company further into the ground. It's like watching a masterclass in mismanagement and poor decision-making. Keep up the good work, Capture One!


  • Edwardsson

    It is sad, very sad news, but unfortunately not unexpected news. If they had listened to what we users told them about their greedy plans, they would probably be in a different situation today, a better one. 

    If they do go bankrupt, I hope they release the software for free to everyone who has subscribed or bought a perpetuel license, and that Capture One doesn't have to connect to their server every time you use the programme or need to reinstall the software.

    There is a great danger that they will become Losing All instead of Capture One.

  • J M Smith

    Had CO said we have to move to a subscription model to survive, I would have happily signed up.

    In reality they should have offered (in parallel to a robust subscription model) a perpetual model that updated for 1 year then remained static (without manipulating release dates).

    The strategic blunders are eye watering.

    I see three scenarios for CO:

    1. They come back in-house and become a Phase One only product

    2. They sell CO and Phase One partners with the buyer.

    3. CO fails and Phase One works closely with Adobe to add the necessary features to Lightroom.

    Now it is an interesting case study in how to destroy a company…

  • Edwardsson

    They will probably become a very bad example when teaching marketing, market strategy and how to take care of your customers.

    Now I may have to look for a new image processing programme to use along with Affinity Photo. Should I go for DxO PhotoLabs 7, ON1 Photo Raw 2024 or Topaz Photo AI 2? Or maybe only use Affinity Photo together with some plugin modules?

  • J M Smith

    Unfortunately for Axcel this is not the way to do a profitable exit.

    I don’t really shoot weddings, portraits, fashion, or tethered . So I am not in the sweet spot for their ideal customer profile.

    I wish CO success but I don’t think this will end well for anyone…

  • Barry Justice

    As much as I don't like the direction Capture One is moving I think this announcement is being taken out of context by a number of people who said in the past,  "I told them this would happen etc.etc.".  First,  there has been a lot of layoffs in the software industry in the past 6 months or so,  so this really isn't news.  And second,  they are laying off people in their communications team and cancelling contracts they had with,  "External public relations support".  Well we all know that those two things are not really Capture One's strong suit in the past so is anyone going to see any difference.  Communications and public relations have been a catastrophe in the last 3 or 4 years!

    Yes I think the company is in deeper dodo than they let on and yes the CEO has made some really bad decisions in the past couple of years but I'm not sure the sky is falling just yet,  but never say never because they have lost a lot of past loyal customers which I doubt they will ever get back. 

  • J M Smith

    @Barry Justice

    I am certainly gone forever. I post here because I am still a “customer “.

    I transferred all edited files to high quality jpg’s and the KEEPERS to high quality tiff’s and moved to LR.

  • Pip

    Sad for the employees. I'm sure they, like many former customers, will quickly move on.

  • Mathias Kessler

    This is so so bad. I have 16.2.6 or whatever the lastest of that scam upgrade was and it's crashing, not working, great concept, make it so that you need to upgrade or your products not functioning. This blows and Adobe Lightroom here is come. Capture One is for suckers 


  • Gerhard

    was ein Unsinn.

    Capture One läuft eins a und stabil.
    Das hat aber nichts mit dem Marketing zu das. Das ist wirklich für die Tonne ...



  • Mathias Kessler

    Since yesterday, my 23 version has been crashing, and it's not working anymore. To add injury to insult. Well done; now I am on the hook for spending 220 euros to upgrade to the next version.

    I went online and downloaded Lightroom, and it works like a charm. Goodby Capture One.


  • Olaf Pokorny

    Try to delete (or better move it to a different location) the preferences file for CO in /Users/[yourname]/Library/Preferences/com.captureone.captureone16.plist (if you are on a mac). Maybe something has gone wrong with this file... Afterwards you have to configure CO again to your needs, but it should help with the crashes.

    Auf Deutsch: Manchmal verursachen falsche oder veraltete Einstellungen solche Abstürze. Löscht man die besagte Datei (oder verschiebt sie sicherheitshalber temporär auf den Desktop) wird beim nächsten Programmstart eine frische und korrekte .plist-Datei angelegt. Die Einstellungen werden dabei zwar auch auf Standard zurückgesetzt und man muss die Version noch mal aktivieren, aber danach sollte es wieder stabil laufen.

  • Gerhard

    so ist das oft: das Problem sitzt meist vor dem Bildschirm. Der Mensch macht oft unbewusst etwas falsch und kann sich nicht mehr daran erinnern.

    So bei mir auch: wenn der Mac ein paar Tage im Ruhezustand ist, friert der Finder ein und nichts geht mehr?! Ich weiß, dass ich einiges gelöscht hatte an Programmen, die ich nicht mehr nutze u.a. auch ein paar plist Dateien. War überrascht, so viele Programme auf der Seite Systemeinstellungen/Allgemein/Anmeldeobjekte zu finden. Unnötige habe ich gesucht und Reste gelöscht. Seit dem ist das so. 

    Und so kann das auch mit Capture One passieren. ...


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