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Mac - Copying a Filled Layer from portrait to landscape image results in a non-scaled mask being applied




  • Official comment

    We're glad to be back with good news: this issue should be fully fixed in Capture One 16.3.6.
    You can download the latest Capture One 16.3.6 here and view the release notes here.

  • Conrad von Schubert

    I'm having exactly the same problem here. Editing a large project has become very difficult.

    Thanks for looking into this!

  • Kyrani Kanavaros

    what is happening with this bug?  It is extremely annoying and is slowing down my workflow substantially. I can't even sort my session by landscape or portrait as a work around.  


  • FirstName LastName

    I hope they fix it soon, at this point, it is a problem that slows the processing down.

  • FirstName LastName

    more issue with Soft Flare brush 

    created problems in the smooth mask

  • Helen

    Our engineers are working on this, but we'd still appreciate having your cases reported (if you haven't done that yet). Collecting more data is always extremely helpful when it comes to bug fixes. You can submit your request at Feel free to leave your ticket number here, so I can jump into the conversation right away and please stay tuned. We'll update this thread as soon as the version with a fix becomes available.

  • FirstName LastName

    Have you been to

    They make everything possible to avoid contacting support, I look for 30 minutes before finding a place to submit.

    crazy. this days I have beening having major problems wit C1P. I wich I can just open a session in an older version that is stable and bug free

  • Brian Jordan

    FirstName LastName


    Click Request Support at the top right of the webpage.  Scroll down til you see the heading 

    Still need help? Reach out to us

    Select from the list box.  Voilà! 

    Fill out the form.

    You'll get an email confirming your support request with a ticker assigned.


    Also, if you'd kindly edit your profile and change your FirstName LastName to something (anything) else, replying to you specifically would be much easier.  Even FirstName LastName44 would be a help.

  • Kyrani Kanavaros

    my ticket number is 200159.


  • Giovanni Gori

    same issue here, a nightmare because we are working right now and we have to avoid copying layers

  • Giovanni Gori

    it seems you don't have the issue with styles on base layer, so no multiple layers. A workaround seems to be copy all the adjustments on a style and import pictures (we are shooting tethered) applying the layer.

  • Helen

    Giovanni Gori may I also ask you to submit a quick request at We'd appreciate having it in our queue and be able to attach it to the existing report. 

  • Giovanni Gori

    ok, i'm doing it right now


  • Helen

    This issue is fixed in the new release of Capture One (16.2.5).
    Follow the link to download the latest version: 

    If you're still experiencing any issues, please reach out to our tech team providing the following info:
    - Camera model
    - EIPs -> Sharing EIP files
    - Logs -> ⁠How do I retrieve logs?

  • Andrea Aldrovandi

    Hi, I've just downloded the latest version (16.2.4). I hoped you had resolved the issues but this huge issue it's still present. I'm going to open a ticket right now but let me say it's really frustrating. Every new release have some kind of problem.

  • Nico Kaiser

    The new release (16.2.4) replaces the rotated mask issue with this piece of art:

    I really have the impression that the poor developers are desperately trying to implement hacks for this kind of bugs, but this will only introduce more bugs.

    Sad to say I am done with this. I really tried, for years. But I need a stable and professional product and predictable behaviour, which C1 cannot provide anymore.

  • Andrea Aldrovandi

    Same issues guys! I’ve already signalled today. I signalled the old issue is still here and the new one in a new ticket.

    It is unacceptable that every time a new update is released, there are issues. And it is even more unacceptable that a professional photographer has to test the new version to find the problem of the new version before facing that problem in front of a client.

  • Nico Kaiser

    And it is even more unacceptable that a professional photographer has to test the new version to find the problem of the new version before facing that problem in front of a client.

    I actually had this problem in front of a client (delivered photos which looked like the first one in this thread) – a bit more subtle so it was not noticed immediately, but well, still very embarassing. Made me finally switch to the competitor.

  • Andrea Aldrovandi

    Nico, you can use the 16.2.2. It doesn’t have that kind of issue. Me and my business partner fortunately have tried new version today before next job, we trust no more in the new version until we try them. It’s frustrating and infuriating. We had your same problem in front of an our client 3 weeks ago. We know what you mean.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    It is unacceptable that every time a new update is released, there are issues. And it is even more unacceptable that a professional photographer has to test the new version to find the problem of the new version before facing that problem in front of a client.


    I think it might be wise to re-think your opinion from the other post, being somewhat proud of what has been achieved in development, there are actually  more regression defects than you probably think, see also examples from other posts from other forum members since our last conversation a couple of days ago. And regression defects are the worst kind of defects which every software company should try avoid in official releases at almost all costs, it is the worst kind of issues for companies reputation, and should be fixed asap if they make it into the wild. You as the CEO have almost all the possibilities to give that direction.
    Btw, I still have open tickets in that regard.

  • Michael Obex

    I experience the same bug still in version 16.2.4 and it has costed me already hours in extra time to get rid of it. I had to edit hundreds of pictures manually at the end because copy and paste simply is not working anymore. I´m sorry guys, it's somehow acceptable that things like smart adjustments doesn't work well a 100% for most of the time... but such basic functions just cannot fail in a professional software!!! Somehow C1 23 was a big mess from the beginning! I have a perpetual license and it seems that I have to change that to a yearly subscription which I originally not wanted because apparently you're not going to fix that issues.... maybe I just move on towards Lightroom saving a lot of time after so many years working with C1.

    anyway ... I reported the bug (working on an Apple Silicon Machine).

    If you're not fixing problems like that faster, me and I guess many others will turn away from C1 and just go for other solutions. 

  • Kyrani Kanavaros

    this issue is still on going. and getting very frustrating. 

  • FirstName LastName

  • Jori Huhtala

    Upgraded a week ago and started having the layer bug, now downloaded the "fix" update (16.2.5), still having the bug. Please fix.

    Also still having major issues with importing duplicates all the time. That can't be feature, right?

    I love C1 but my frustration grows every day. How can new versions be much more buggy than the previous ones? Don't "fix" it if it's not broken!

    EDIT: After a few times relaunching C1 it started working without this bug. Fingers crossed.
    EDIT 2: And the bug is back. Great.

  • Andrea Aldrovandi

    This situation is so embarrassing guys. My business partner and I have opened two tickets for two different versions of the program. Twice you have released updates that were supposed to fix the issue. This is quite embarrassing, considering it's professional software for people who work.

  • FirstName LastName

    Looks to me like the change log text has been updated without fixing the issue.


  • Andrea Aldrovandi

    Use the version 16.2.2

  • Pete Axford

    So, genuine question based on today's announcement...

    Is this bug now just being ignored by Capture One? It says 'implemented', but it's still clearly there. I have a perpetual license for 16.2, and this hasn't been fixed on the latest version of that (16.2.5).

    Now 16.3 is out (which I'm not allowed to have, despite buying my license just a few months ago), what happens with massive bugs like this (which make the whole layers concept unusable)?


  • FirstName LastName

    that is a good question. 

    AI mask is a very welcome improvement. I have been using it so much the last few weeks.

  • Michael Obex

    I just tried it again in version and the bug is still there...

    i also use an perpetual license and didn't plan to buy a new license again.

    Apparently 16.2.2 is the last stable version.

    CaptureOne points out they fixed the problem which isn't the fact.... so can you guys please now just fix it... also for users with version 16.2.x????


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