You receive a Capture One license key after purchasing a perpetual license or starting a subscription plan. If you do not have a license key yet, obtain it in our web store.
The license key contains 16 alphanumeric characters to activate your copy of Capture One software. Example: AAAA-1234-BBBB-5678
Previously activated license keys
Just purchased license key, not yet activated
- Purchased via Capture One web store
- Studio for Teams and Studio for Enterprise
- Purchased via an external vendor (not in the web store)
NOTE - For users on Capture One 16.5.2 onwards:With the release of Capture One 16.5.2, it is no longer necessary to manually input your license key during the activation process. |
Previously activated license keys
Log into your account and click on the Manage button under “Plans & services management” to see all product licenses that have already been activated under this account, whether or not you purchased them in the web store.
Check how to retrieve Capture One trial in the guide below:
How do I activate my Capture One trial?
Your active license keys will be displayed under the corresponding products.
You will also find other key related information like:
- the maximum eligible version and the download link to it;
- the number of activations available;
- you can also view your activation history as well as reset seats when you need to activate the software on other computers.
NOTE: Switching from Capture One Pro > All in One, from Capture One Pro > Capture One Studio or from All in One > Capture One Studio does not affect your license key, it will remain unchanged.
Just purchased license key, not yet activated
1. Purchased via Capture One web store
Click on the View button under “Order history” to see all orders that you have placed via the Capture One online store. You should also have received an email with your order and product information from
If your order was placed using this account's email address, you will be redirected to your account on the FastSpring portal where you will see all your purchasing history and payment data:
If your email address does not have a history of registered orders, you will be redirected to and asked to enter a different email address. This means you are looking for your order under the wrong account.
2. Studio for Teams and Studio for Enterprise
Our multi-user solutions such as Studio for Teams and Studio for Enterprise are acquired through our Business Development team. They will provide you with a license key via email. If not, feel free to reach out to our support team.
3. Purchased via an external vendor (not in the web store)
If you purchased your license from a Capture One reseller or any external dealer, they should have provided your with a license key. If not, reach out to the seller directly and ask for the key.
Visit this page to find the closest to your Capture One reseller.