The Capture Pilot app enables the synching of location data wirelessly with Phase One IQ3/2 series camera systems either in real time while capturing or later, when back in the studio.
The Capture Pilot app can append images with location data from an iOS device at the time of capture and even synchronize the data at regular intervals on location. Geotagging is performed wirelessly in the ad-hoc mode with Wi-Fi enabled Phase One IQ3/2 series camera systems. Only IQ3/2 series digital backs support geotagging with Capture Pilot.
When you want to tag files with location data, there is no need for IQ3/2 series digital backs to be connected to your iOS device running Capture Pilot. However, the app must be running in the background during capture and the option to tag files must be enabled on the IQ3/2 series back.
Enable access to location data
After installing the Capture Pilot app, a window will open asking you to grant access to location data. If access is granted, the geotagging feature will be enabled.
To enable or disable access location data:
- Open the iOS device Settings app and select Capture Pilot from the list.
- Go to Allow Capture Pilot to Access in the menu to confirm access to the location data (even when running in the background). A checkmark will be displayed next to the Always option. To disable access, select Never.
NOTE: In iOS 8.1, this access may also be granted or declined directly from the Capture Pilot app settings page.
Geotagging during capture
- From the IQ3/2 series main menu, confirm or select WiFi -> Settings -> Capture Pilot -> Capture Pilot Permissions -> Geotag captures -> On.
- Next, confirm or select Geotag CF card -> On (also located under Capture Pilot Permissions) if not working tethered to a computer.
- Establish an ad-hoc connection between the iOS device and Phase One IQ3/2 series digital back.
- Launch Capture Pilot and confirm that geotagging is enabled (the compass needle icon is located in the top-right corner and colored orange when enabled). Images captured will be automatically tagged with location data.
Geotagging after capture
Capture Pilot can append images with location data from an iOS device and synchronize the data at regular intervals for convenience on location. Both the iOS device and IQ3/2 series back must be set to the same time (and time-zone) to achieve accurate results. The time on both devices should be set as accurately possible.
- From the IQ3/2 series main menu, select WiFi -> Settings -> Capture Pilot -> Capture Pilot -> Permissions -> Geotag captures -> On.
- Next, select Geotag CF card -> On (also located under Capture Pilot Permissions) if not working tethered to a computer.
- Establish an ad-hoc connection between the iOS device and Phase One IQ3/2 series digital back.
- Launch Capture Pilot and confirm geotagging is enabled (the compass needle icon located in the top-right corner and colored orange when enabled). Be sure that the Capture Pilot app is running in the background during capture.
- After shooting, connect the IQ3/2 series back wirelessly to the IOS device and Capture Pilot will append files on the CF card (if multiple cards have been used, insert cards into the camera in succession).
- A confirmation dialog will be displayed on the IQ3/2 back when it has finished tagging the files.
Adjust Polling interval
Capture Pilot logs location data every 60 seconds when left to the default setting. This can be changed if necessary. For example, you can use a longer interval if you are not expected to change location within the set time-frame.
- Launch the Settings app on the iOS device.
- Select Capture Pilot -> Geo Tagging -> Location -> Polling Interval and select the interval as required.
Temporarily disable/enable geotagging
Geotagging is enabled by default and operation can be confirmed when the compass needle icon (top-right) in Capture Pilot is colored orange.
To temporarily disable/enable the feature:
- Open Capture Pilot app on your iOS device.
- To temporarily disable the feature, tap the icon (it will change the color from orange to white).
- Tap again to enable the feature.
Save battery power
Data logging may be turned off after a set period of time to conserve the battery power of your iOS device.
- Open the iOS device Settings app and select Capture Pilot from the list.
- Confirm that access to the location data is enabled (see above).
- Go to Geo Tagging in the menu and select Turn Geo Tagging Off and then chose the appropriate time period from the options (after an hour / 3 hours / 8 hours / at the end of the day).
- Select Capture Pilot in the settings (top) to return to the main menu and confirm the change.
- Open Capture Pilot app and make sure the geotagging option is in operation (the compass needle icon located in the top-right corner in Capture Pilot and is colored orange when enabled).
Battery power can also be saved when the application is inactive.
- Return to the iOS device Settings app.
- Go to Geo Tagging -> Location -> Save Battery in Background -> On.
NOTE: When the application is inactive the reliability of the location data will be reduced.