Diffraction is a lens aberration that increases upon stopping down leading to a loss of definition, with at first a loss of contrast and then a loss of resolution. The Clarity tool can be used to reduce these effects by increasing contrast and the perceived sharpness.
The selection of the Method and Slider choice is determined by the image content and creative intent, however, in general terms, you can adopt the Natural method and Clarity slider combination for a low amount of large-scale contrast where diffraction is just visible at mid apertures, for example. With small apertures, where the blurring effects of diffraction are more visible, use the Natural or Neutral and Structure slider combination to apply a higher amount of small-scale contrast.
- Select the image in the browser.
- Go to the Clarity tool.
- Select the Natural method and Clarity slider combination when a slight loss of contrast is noticed or adopt Natural or Neutral in a combination with the Structure slider when a more noticeable loss of sharpness is detected.
- Depending on the choice made, drag the Clarity and/or Structure slider to the right, keeping to low values initially, while observing the effect in the Viewer. With more extreme adjustments, zoom to 100% to check for haloing and other unwelcome artifacts in the background, enable the Exposure Warning and check highlight areas.
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