When deferring the choice of the recipe's destination folder to the Output Location tool, you can simultaneously process an image using multiple recipes into individual sub-folders within a single enclosing folder.
In addition, the use of Capture One’s dynamic tokens in the Output Location tool's Sub Folder field can dynamically create and name the folders based on certain metadata and the recipe will populate those folders with the appropriate images, greatly improving your workflow.
For example, if you routinely supply low-res sRGB JPEGs for proofing and full-res Adobe RGB (1998) 16-bit TIFFs, simply select or create a recipe for each. Then defer the Root Folder to the Output Location tool and add the Recipe Format token in the File tab's Sub Folder option.
- Go to the Output tool tab.
- Highlight a recipe from the Process Recipes dialog (i.e., the recipe is highlighted with an orange or gray bar) or create a new recipe and then select it by highlighting it.
- Select the File tab in the Process Recipe tool.
- From the Root Folder fly-out menu, select (or verify) Output Location from the list.
- Go to the Output Location tool and select and name the enclosing destination folder.
- In the Sub Folder field, add a name for the folder (e.g., TIFF Adobe RGB) or use a token (e.g., Recipe Format). Add a token by clicking on the adjacent action button (... icon) and select from the Process Recipe Sub Folder Tokens dialog. This will automatically create and name a subfolder during processing.
- Repeat steps 2 to 7 (omitting step 5) to add other Process Recipes.
- Checkmark the desired recipes in the Process Recipes dialog.
- From the Process Recipes dialog, press Process. The different files can be found in the corresponding subfolders within the output destination folder.
<< Selecting the destination location using output location tool | Naming and renaming variants >>
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