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Capture One 21 (14.0.0) release notes



  • SFA

    The System requirements section for Windows indicates that Windows 7 is still supported.

    I had heard that it is no longer supported for V21.

    Could someone please clarify this situation.

  • Dylan Bauer

    Is there an expected date that RAW files from the Nikon Z6ii will be supported?  I was hopping that the update to version 21 would bring support with it.  I've had the camera for over around a month and not been able to shoot jobs tethered or direct import the files.

  • FirstName LastName

    Hola tengo un super problema el programa no quiere dejarme importar imagenes y en cambio me comienza a poner el computador super lento y sin ni si quiera mostrar una sola imagen en el navegador de importar imagenes. Me pueden ayudar enserio ya que pues no puedo hacer nada. Ayuda mi licencia es exclusiva de Sony y manejo una Sony 6400 

  • David Loutit

    I find it peculiar that the “Smallest supported file for editing: minimum side of 512px.”. At the dawn of digital photography, we used a filesize of 640x480 and I have some historical files of those dimensions that C1 will not process. It seems irrational to me to let 32 pixels make a difference. 

  • Dan Perfect

    Why no ProStandard profile for Canon 5DS? IS it not the same as the 5DSR?

  • Bob DLAIN

    Good day,

    Downloaded and installed C21. I was quite shocked to see it did a complete new install and didn't merge my settings from C20. When I opened the new C1, it did ask however to import my catalog from C20 which I declined but will do it over.

    Now, I have to painfully re-import all my styles, re-customize my desktop and more. This is time wasting. I understand C21 might a new release but it should have taken into consideration an existing version and keep the settings, do the appropriate updates and ready to go.

    Also, there is still no support for HASSELBLAD CAMERAS. What a BOMBER! Not quite happy about that.

  • Lily

    Hi Dan,

    There is a generic profile for Canon 5DS only now.

    However, the ProStandard profiles for other camera models will be coming with future releases of Capture One.

    Please, follow the release notes to see what updates are coming.

  • Lily

    Hi Bob,

    Please see this article on how to move the folder with User Styles and other folders in the Application Support -> Capture One folder.

    How do I back up my Styles & Presets in case I need to update my OS/move to another computer? 

  • dwi setyo aji

    I wanna buy a fuji x s10 but reading in compatibel camera it not support tethered and live view,is there any possibel it will be support in any version of capture one?

  • Lily


    Currently, there is no information on whether this camera would be supported for tethering or live view in the future.

    Please, follow the updates in the upcoming release notes for future versions.

  • dwi setyo aji

    so right now there is no point for me to buy capture one cause there is no that feature.Thanks

  • roberto majola

    Hello! I can't connect my Canon 5D mark II to Big Sur? The other cameras connect normally, but specifically this does not connect


  • Lily

    Hi Roberto,

    Do you have EOS Utility installed on your computer?



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