Export Recipes are pre-configured output settings, or presets, that you can select for various requirements. Export Recipes not only allow you to customize and save your most frequently used settings, but by selecting one or more of these recipes from the list, you can simultaneously process multiple copies of the same image or selection of images, according to your needs. For example, the same image or group of images can be simultaneously processed in different formats, sizes or color spaces. It is as simple as adding checkmarks to the appropriate recipes, and clicking Export.
As Capture One works non-destructively, the application never alters the original image files in any way. When images are required in the various sizes, formats and color spaces to send to a client, or to publish on the web or send to a printing service, Capture One creates new files from the originals and applies all the saved settings and adjustments during processing, that you can use time and time again.
You can specify JPEG, TIFF, DNG, PNG or PSD file formats, set new image dimensions, convert color spaces and embed profiles, add output sharpening, and include metadata, such as EXIF data, Keywords and IPTC data. Capture One can also rename and group images into a sub folder hierarchy within the parent or root folder using the Location and Naming tools.
As of Capture One 16.5.2, you can use the Copy Original Files recipe to export unedited files, bypassing the dedicated Export Original Files right-click menu flow.
Note you can export or process managed image files directly but, with referenced files, Capture One must have access to the originals, meaning your referenced files have to be online.
This article contains the following sections:
Process image variants using Export Recipes
Capture One offers several default Export Recipes for processing and exporting image variants in common file formats, sizes, and profiles. In the Export Image window, you can select one or more presets from the list in the Export Recipes tool or specify other options in other tools within the Export Image window.
Keep in mind that the Export Recipe selection overrides the settings in the other Export Image tools.
To process image variants using Export Recipes in Capture One Pro, follow these steps:
- Select the desired image variants from the Browser.
- Open the Export Images window (click the "Export" button in the toolbar; go to File > Export > Export...; hit SHIFT + CMD/CTRL + D on your keyboard).
- Checkmark the desired recipes in the Export Recipes tool.
- Click Export in the bottom right corner of the Export Images window.
Process multiple file formats simultaneously
If you need to process an image variant or variants in multiple file formats, image sizes, or color spaces, you can select multiple recipes simultaneously. Each selected recipe will create a new image file with the specified settings applied.
To process multiple file formats simultaneously in Capture One Pro, follow these steps:
- Select the desired image variants from the Browser.
- Open the Export Images window (click the "Export" button in the toolbar; go to File > Export > Export...; hit SHIFT + CMD/CTRL + D on your keyboard).
- Checkmark multiple desired recipes in the Export Recipes tool to simultaneously process and export new files with those recipe settings applied.
- Click Export in the bottom right corner of the Export Images window.
Creating Export Recipes
Capture One Pro comes with predefined Export Recipes that you can use to export your images. However, if these recipes don't meet your exact needs, you can modify them or create your own. When you modify a built-in recipe, the original is not permanently changed, and it cannot be deleted. You can restore the original recipe from the menu available by clicking the plus button (+ icon) in the Export Recipes tool.
To create a custom export recipe in Capture One Pro, follow these steps:
- Open the Export Images window (click the "Export" button in the toolbar; go to File > Export > Export...; hit SHIFT + CMD/CTRL + D on your keyboard).
- In the Export Recipes tool, click the New Recipe button (+ icon) in the foot-bar and select New Recipe.
- An untitled recipe will be added to the list. The new recipe is based on the full-size TIFF (Adobe RGB) 8-bit preset. Alternatively, you can highlight a recipe to copy, click the tool’s Action button (... icon), and select Duplicate Recipe.
- Click the new recipe and click it again to rename it. We recommend using a descriptive name that includes the format, size, and color space.
- If you want to remove a recipe from the list, click the - (minus) icon. Note that if it's a newly created recipe, it will be permanently deleted.
- Choose the desired options from other Export Images tools, such as file format, output profile, etc.
Every setting you choose is saved and will be available the next time you select that recipe. With this feature, you can create custom export recipes tailored to your specific needs and streamline your image processing workflow.