If you have not created another Catalog or Session, opening Capture One will open your original Catalog.
Otherwise, hold down the option/Alt key as soon as you open (or whilst opening) Capture One, to display a Recents window which will show up to ten of the last opened Catalogs or Sessions in a list:
You can open any of those, or you can search for a Catalog anywhere in your system by clicking on the Browse button instead.
When Capture One is already open, you can do one of the following:
- Select File -> Open Recent and select the relevant Catalog from the list. Note that the list may also show recent Sessions if any.
- In the Finder/Explorer (macOS/Windows), navigate to the relevant Catalog in your system, including external drives, and then select and Ctrl/right-click (macOS/Windows) to open it.
Finding a Catalog after upgrading
If you have recently upgraded the version of Capture One you are using, then you simply need to lookup where your Catalog is located on your machine and open it with the version you wish to use it with (this will in most cases require you to upgrade your catalog)
You can do this by using spotlight on your Mac or using the search function in Finder, if you are unsure where you have saved your Catalog. Similar search functions exist on Windows, in the Start menu and Explorer respectively.
When you have found your catalog, select it and then right/option click, and then select "Open with" and then select the desired version of Capture One. If it is not listed, select "Other" and then look in the Applications folder (Mac) and in the Program Files folder (Windows) for the installed version of Capture One.
If you are unsure on what your Catalog is named, then hold down the option/Alt key immediately after starting Capture One in order to bring up the menu shown above, where you will be able to see the location path, as well as the chosen name.
You can always search for terms such as ".cocatalog" or simply "catalog" if you get really stuck.
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