When making adjustments on a networked Catalog, other users on the network attempting to make their own adjustments will be unable to open the Catalog as a warning dialog will notify them that a Catalog is in use. The Catalog can only be opened when no other users have it opened or when it is locked.
If a user wants to share the Catalog with others on the network, it is necessary to lock the Catalog first. However, no one will be able to make adjustments to a Catalog that way. When the Catalog is locked, other users will only be able to view and search for images.
- Connect to your network drive.
- Navigate to your chosen Catalog (name.cocatalog), Ctrl/right-click on it, open it, double-click or drag the file to the Capture One icon in the dock (macOS only).
- You will be presented with one of the following options:
- If the Catalog opens normally, no other network user has the Catalog open and you can continue using the Catalog.
- If a dialog opens with the message Unable to Open Catalog, it means that another network user is making adjustments.
- If the tools are grayed out and the Catalog displays Locked: Read-Only, then the Catalog is unavailable for changes and another network user may already be viewing it.
- Go to File -> Unlock Catalog… to attempt to access the Catalog. Capture One will close and restart the Catalog. There are two possible outcomes:
- If it gets unlocked and the tools are not grayed-out, you will be able to make changes, as usually.
- If the tools remain grayed-out, then another network user is viewing the Catalog at the moment. That way, you can only view and search for images.
<< Viewing images stored on a network drive | Unlocking a Read-Only Catalog >>
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