After you have imported images into your Catalog, the next step is to organize them. You can use system-based Folders or organize your images using virtual folders, Projects, Groups or Albums.
Catalog Collections
The content of the Catalog Collections window cannot be changed and shows fixed collections of all the images in the current Catalog, recent imports, recent captures, and the trash. The last ten Imports and last ten Capture sessions are always available to view here as a fixed album.
User Collections
To organize your images properly inside a Catalog, create user collections such as Albums, Smart Albums, Projects, and Groups. More information about the virtual organization of images can be found here.
Creating a Group
- Go to the Library tool and press the + (plus) icon at the top of the User Collections tab.
- Select Group from the list and name it accordingly.
- It is possible to add a number of Projects or Albums within the Group if needed. For instance, an Album can be created to help organize the different models within the Studio Portraits Catalog.
- Drag and drop selected image files from the catalog into the newly created Album.
Folders tool
The Folders tool lets users see where referenced source image files are located. The subheading Catalog shows if there are any source image files placed inside the Catalog.
Essential information:
- Right-clicking on the folder will show a number of options including one to reveal the complete file system hierarchy.
- Click on the + plus (icon) as shown below to add folders for the catalog database to recognize. This can be useful if you want to move images from one folder to a new folder. Remember to always complete actions like this within Capture One Pro so that the Catalog database can keep track of changes.
- Click on the minus icon (circled) to remove a folder from this section.
Learn how to organize images in a Catalog in this tutorial.
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