Any Sequence can be selected from the Browser and isolated from other non-related images to get an overview and help with the initial organization. Photos are displayed in succession unless images have been manually rearranged (i.e., the sort order has been changed).
- In the Browser, click on an image that is a part of the Sequence. A small multi-image file icon located in the bottom-left corner of a thumbnail in the Browser indicates that the image is part of a Sequence.
- Go to the menu and choose Select -> Select By Same, then choose Sequence ID.
- All the images in the Sequence are displayed in the Viewer (and selected in the Browser). Note that the Multi View option must be enabled in the Viewer bar. During selection, the sort order cannot be altered.
- To navigate through the Sequence without selecting other non-related images, you can use the optional Select buttons on the main Toolbar or forward / backward arrow keys on the keyboard.
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