For image-based watermarks click here
Capture One can add a high-quality text-based watermark to your printed images, using either your own text or tokens or a combination of the two.
- Select File -> Print and go to the Watermark tool in the Print dialog box.
- Select Text from the Kind drop-down menu and choose from the following:
- Enter the text required for the watermark in the Text field, or ...
- Click on the adjacent Action menu (…) icon to open the Watermark Tokens Manager dialog box. Select a token or collection of tokens from the list displayed, from the Group drop-down menu, or add a combination of text and tokens and select OK.
- From the Size fly-out menu, select between Pixels or Points as a measure of the font size.
- Click on the (…) icon next to the Font field to select the font type and color of the text.
- Adjust the Opacity, Scale, Horizontal and Vertical sliders as desired.
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