If your credit card was declined, order was not accepted or transaction failed for the unknown to you reason while you were trying to make a purchase on the Capture One website, go through the most common cases and possible solutions highlighted below.
You might face the following error messages at the checkout indicating a failed transaction:
- Your credit card was declined. Please try another card, or choose a different form of payment.
- We regret that your order could not be accepted. We value your business and would like to help you complete this order. Please contact us for assistance.
- Your credit card security code (CVC) is invalid.
- An unexpected error occurred, and we are not currently able to accept payment.
1. Payment declined by bank
Your card issuing bank may decline a charge for one of the following reasons:
- Insufficient funds
- Inaccurate card information (invalid credit card number or billing address was entered)
- Card activity limit exceeded
- The amount exceeds the limit set for internet purchases
- Expired card
- Billing address and IP address do not match
- Restriction placed on the account (eg. the account may be set up to not be used outside the country in which the card was issued)
- Suspicion of fraudulent activity
- Hold placed on the account (happens sometimes when the credit card company detects a transaction they don’t believe fits your normal buying pattern and are concerned that it might be a fraud or a charge that you have not authorized yourself)
In this case, you can try to submit the order again if you feel like you did not input the credit card information correctly or try another payment method.
If the order still does not go through, contact your bank for clarification as to the exact reason for the failed transaction, since FastSpring (our official payment provider) doesn't have any control over the declines. You can usually find a customer service telephone number on the back of the card.
NOTE: Any charge you may see on your account is only a “pre-authorization” of the funds that will automatically drop off your card within 5-10 business days. The exact timeframe varies with each card issuer that has control over when those charges will be dropped or voided.
2. PayPal transaction failure
Failed status in the "Payments and Returns" section of a PayPal order indicates that the transaction was declined. The Method column in the "Payments and Returns" section may contain more details. PayPal does not provide additional information.
Reasons for declined PayPal transactions include the following:
- The associated billing address is inaccurate or unconfirmed.
- The transaction exceeds the limit.
- The credit card company declined the transaction.
- You didn't approve the payment on your PayPal account directly.
- The internet connection was interrupted on the checkout page.
- The authorization code for PayPal wasn't entered correctly, so FastSpring were unable to process the payment.
- You abandoned the order process before completing payment
Possible solutions would be placing a new order via a fresh browser; selecting an alternate payment method in PayPal to complete the transaction; using another payment method if available or contacting PayPal directly for assistance.
*For buyers from India
As per the changes in the RBI (the Reserve Bank of India) guidelines, local banks might sometimes block transactions when you attempt to purchase a subscription.
In such cases, we highly recommend whether to submit an order again with a different card – How to update, add and remove payment methods
Or contact your bank and explain that FastSpring actually offers manual renewals for subscriptions to comply with the RBI guidelines. They are able to process payments and keep subscriptions active with a "manual renewal" option. Please refer to the following blog post for more information: https://fastspring.com/blog/how-new-rules-will-impact-recurring-transactions-in-india/